Gap Year

Gap Year

So many people believe that ministry is the role of full-time pastors alone. However, if you are a believer in Jesus, you have a place in ministry — and ministry can and should exist both inside and outside of the church. What if we all lived that out? How can we be better stewards of our time and talents? How can we make sure that we’re devoting ourselves to the work of the Lord before anything else? Whether you are called to full-time, vocational ministry, or you simply want to be a part of a program that will help you become more deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus, our Gap Year program at Impact University is the perfect option for you. 

Our Gap Year program is ideal for anyone who simply wants to understand how the practical side of ministry works The program at our North Carolina college is a one-year ministry training certificate program with an emphasis on leadership and theology. You will get practical ministry training and hands-on experience through an internship program as you work alongside those skilled in the church. Students enrolled in the Gap Year program can select from four different tracks: Pastoral Ministry, Worship, Counseling, and Theology. The skills and habits that you will develop during your Gap Year will be enormously beneficial both in the church and in secular arenas.

Students who sign up for the ministry training certificate program at our North Carolina college can expect to gain an in-depth understanding of the multi-faceted aspects of ministry in a variety of ways. Combining experience with theory, we provide a well-rounded approach to learning for any students who want to grow in their relationship with Christ, serve the church, or eventually become vocational ministers themselves. 

If you would like to learn more about our North Carolina college’s ministry training certificate program or you want to speak with an enrollment specialist, reach out to us at Impact University today. We would love to get to know you!

Everything rises and falls on leadership!

At Impact University, you will receive practical training that builds 21st Century leadership skills with Christian ethics, integrity, and compassion.