As believers in Jesus, we know that worship is powerful. God delights in our worship performs the miraculous when we choose to make Him the center of our worship and adoration. God has promised us that when two or more gather in His name, that He is there in the midst. We also know that God has always used worship to draw His people closer to Himself and connect with His beloved creation — that’s us! What a privilege it is to draw nearer to our Savior.

Do you have the heart of a worshipper? Do you have a passion for leading others into intimate moments with their Creator? Are you skilled musically and want to use your talents and gifts for the Kingdom of God? Do you sometimes wish that worship services could last forever? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the Worship program at Impact University is for you.
Students in the Worship Program at our North Carolina college will gain practical experience in church music ministry by participating in worship sessions and assisting in worship technology behind the scenes. They will also gain an appreciation for why worship is not only important but vital for the body of Christ. The worship program at Impact University is designed to prepare students to lead a worship ministry team in the local church.
If you are praying about the Worship program at Impact University, we would love to get you connected with the right people as you seek to understand God’s heart for your life and His will for your future. Contact us today to learn more about the Worship Program at our North Carolina college.
Everything rises and falls on leadership!
At Impact University, you will receive practical training that builds 21st Century leadership skills with Christian ethics, integrity, and compassion.