The Assignment
Thoughts from the Dean:
I am an early bird when it comes to my personal devotion with the Lord. This morning I woke about 4:30 in the morning, spent some time praying in the Spirit, and I am now ending my time in the Word. There is nothing like prayer and the Word to quiet your heart and mind. This is the place where I listen for His Voice and where I find comfort, peace, and renewed faith in the midst of fears and confusion.
Some assignments are easy in the Kingdom while others are difficult
As I was with the Lord this morning through His Word, He dealt with me from I Kings 18 (please read). Through my devotion, I began to think about assignments. I thought about the difficult assignments that the Lord gave Jonah to preach to the city of Nineveh. Jonah didn’t want to do it (can you imagine that?). Although it was extremely difficult on Joan’s “flesh”, it was God’s will for him to follow through with his assignment. I was also reminded of Obadiah’s very tough assignment in I Kings 18. The Lord, not the devil, gave him an assignment to submit to the leadership of Ahab and Jezebel in order to protect the prophets of God. Some assignments are easy in the Kingdom while others are difficult. There are times we go through life’s cycle where things are pretty easy and there are seasons where things are difficult.
May I encourage you today to complete the assignment that God has given you and don’t quit when things get tough. One minister said, “tough times never last, but tough people do”. Let’s you and I complete what God has called us to do in this season as we rely on His Grace and Mercy. When things are tough you can expect an abundance of grace (Romans 6:1)
“Tough times never last, but tough people do”
Push forward with Impact. Push forward with the development of God’s call on your life. I believe the Lord is saying to us: “My direction hasn’t changed for your life. When it does I will alert your spirit through My Spirit.”
Love you so much. Let’s you and I complete what we’ve started in the midst of trying times!!!!
-Pastor Robert Barr – Dean of Impact University