The Greatest Gift Of All
Christmas time is here! I love Christmas time. I love the food, decor, music, and just the feeling of Christmas. There is something special about this time of the year. Even with the stress of buying all the gifts, making all the food, and attending …
Worshipping During The Storm
The past year and a half have been a different type of storm. The world has been in a state of fear, uncertainty, anger, and division. And while we may all have different experiences that shape the way we view the world, there is one …
The Denying of Self
The Denying of Self By Scottie Lyons The Cross has become a symbol of many things today. We see it depicted as a religious icon and in jewelry. Yet the real cross of history was the symbol of a very cruel death. For people of …
Is it a Moment or a Movement?
Written by Pastor Dallas Banks There are 86,400 seconds that make up a day; 1,440 minutes or 24 hours. It’s all the same amount of time, but have you ever thought about how many moments you have in a day? Whether it’s observing a funny …
God’s Goodness Produces Faith
God’s Goodness Produces Faith Thoughts from an Impact University Instructor — excerpt from Pastor Michael Maffucci’s book “No Darkness At All.” Now in the light of all the things we have been examining about God being good and having no darkness at all, I know …
God’s Rest
God’s Rest God’s Rest – Thoughts from an Impact University Instructor What is the Rest of God? How does one enter it? How will one know that they have found the Rest that God prepared for them and not for someone else? Hebrews 4:1 states …
Biblical Leadership
Biblical Leadership Biblical Leadership – Thoughts from an Impact Student The call to ministry is an honor, one that should not be taken lightly. Having received that call to ministry, I see the landscape; much like a surveyor does before making a map, to see …
Plans & Purposes
Plans & Purposes When God Directs Your Steps – Thoughts from Our Impact Alumni We ask lots of questions about our future when we’re young. We imagine it ripe with possibility as we consider the big questions: “Who will I marry? Where will I live? …
From Frogs to Holiness
From Frogs to Holiness Living a Purposeful, Holy Life – Thoughts from Our Impact Alumni You may have heard the story about how to boil a frog. But in case you haven’t I’d like to share it with you. To boil a frog, you get …
As One Chapter Ends… Another Begins
As One Chapter Ends… Another Begins Thoughts from an Impact University Graduate It has been an honor and a blessing to have been able to attend Impact University. Years ago, my husband was given a vision for a ministry and in 2016, we stepped out …